
2、1Complete the associated work with OBI and completely control its processes2Consciously abide by the relevant provisions in the company, and positively save the costs3Smoothly exchange of information, share technology and help each other , mutual trust and create a good team。


4、abide vt遵守 vt忍受 记忆方法 adcde只要把c变成I就成本单词 但是要i遵守c,i是不会忍受的 absurd a不合理的,荒唐的 记忆方法 谐音爱不死的热恋中的人得出 荒谬的结论 abnormal a不正常的变态的 记忆方法 a 一个 b 不 normal正常的 一个不。

5、20xx年8月,我离开青岛到北京,在一家外企当自动化软件测试工程师因为我想改变我的工作环境,我想找一份更有挑战性的工作摩托罗拉是一家全球性的公司,所以can abide by the rules rules, carefully perform the duty of a student, do a good job in every little thing, love of labor, pay attention。

6、J2ME,which greatly enhances the abilities of mobile phone to support mobile gaming,is a kind of Java language which is designed for mobile phones and some small equipmentThe thesis focuses on the application of J2ME technology,and introduces that an RPG game is developed under the t。

7、这个不能直译啊,一个个各种翻译软件如何是好啊几种理解1我给了你一个约定,我会遵守,就是I#39ll keep my words的意思所以翻译应该是I#39ll keep my promise to you 或者 I#39ll keep the promise that I gave you 或者 I will keep the promise that I made with you。

8、而电子竞技基本上不受游戏软件的制约,游戏开发商负责开发游戏,并委托发行公司发行,玩家通过购买游戏一次性付费,便可进行电子竞技的娱乐和比赛这样电子竞技比赛的组织者能否获得利润与游戏的开发商与发行公司并没有直接关系,这也造成两者在平台构建和与平台的关系上也有较大不同 把电子竞技运动列为正式体育项目。

9、3 Abide by the law thought Abide by the law being the rule by law key The country must reinforce abiding by the law to the citizen concept culture and trainingThree rule by law superiority The rule by law superiority be relative to rule of man Er Yan , but this。